FPGA Consulting Services

Programmability of FPGAs gives false confidence to Project Managers. This results in catastrophic schedule slips or even cancellation of Projects. This is one of the reasons that there are more FPGA Verification position postings on the job market. For FPGA projects, quality must come before the quantity. ZXZYZ specializes in FPGA. Weather you have an existing team or ongoing project ZXZYZ can offer the following consulting projects to make the FPGA delivery glitch free.

Quality Reports

Process Improvement

FPGA Projects process significantly deviates from SW, HW or even ASIC projects. There are additional stages and steps, different task relations. ZXZYZ quality report contains any missing step or incorrect task scheduling in your FPGA project. We also provide the solutions, corrections, and actions to improve your FPGA process.

Resource Improvement

FPGA designers need additional technical skill set to produce quality FPGA design. FPGA project managers need to know FPGA specific process, process evaluation and verification methods. ZXZYZ mentors both Project managers, and designers.

Product Improvement

ZXZYZ Quality Report includes Code quality (resource usage, logic level reduction, maintainability and portability), architecture and design decisions (isolation, compartmentalization, compatibility), verification quality (All normal and abnormal cases are tested, all code is covered).

Scope Improvement

ZXZYZ Quality Report provides details and recommendations about the correctness and completeness of the requirements.

Cost Improvement

Recommendation of Vendor/Components, requirements.

Schedule Improvement

ZXZYZ Quality Report analyses the schedule and tasks, and recommends elimination , combining, or parallelization of tasks to enable on time delivery of your FPGA.

Risk and Feasibility Reports

Requirements realizable, Vendor/Component capabilities, Obsolescence, Project task serialization